Psychological Assessments

Psychological Assessments

Welcome to our Assessments page. Here you'll find information about the various assessments we offer, with a focus on understanding and celebrating neurodiversity.

  • A psychological assessment is a comprehensive process designed to understand your unique cognitive profile, behavioural patterns, and lived experiences. Our approach is strength-based and neuro-affirming, meaning we focus on identifying your individual strengths and differences rather than perceived deficits. This process typically involves interviews, standardised tests, and observations, all tailored to your specific needs and concerns.

    Remember, our goal in all these assessments is to provide you with a clear, strength-based understanding of your neurocognitive profile. We believe in celebrating neurodiversity and helping you harness your unique abilities to thrive in your personal and professional life.

  • Better understanding of your strengths and differences. An assessment can help you gain deeper insights into your cognitive style, learning preferences, and unique ways of interacting with the world. This self-knowledge can be empowering, allowing you to leverage your strengths and understand your differences in a positive light.

    Support functioning needs. By identifying areas where you may benefit from additional support or accommodations, an assessment can help you develop strategies to thrive in various environments, whether at work, school, or in personal relationships.

    Access supports (e.g., NDIS). For some individuals, a formal assessment can be a pathway to accessing support services, such as those provided through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia. This can open doors to resources and accommodations that enhance your quality of life.

  • The assessments we currently provide are specifically designed to explore a potential diagnosis of:

    • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

    • Autism

    • Intellectual Disability

    Depending on the assessment you complete, you may meet a formal diagnosis of one of the above neurotypes, or our clinicians might identify an alternate diagnosis or explanation. Whether or not a formal diagnosis is provided, our clinicians will support you in identifying the next steps in your journey toward living the life you want.

  • Our clinicians currently do not offer the following assessments:

    • Forensic Assessments - including reports required for legal proceedings, custody disputes, firearms applications, domestic or intimate partner violence, or other alleged criminal offenses.

    • Personality Disorders - for example, Borderline Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

    • Complex Mental Health - For example, schizophrenia.

    • Specific Learning Disorders - Including Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia

ADHD Assessments

  • Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental variation characterised by differences in attention regulation, impulse control, and activity levels.

  • Our ADHD assessment typically includes:

    • A detailed interview to understand your experiences and concerns

    • Standardized rating scales to measure ADHD-related traits

    • Cognitive tests to assess attention, memory, and executive functioning

    • Observation of behaviour during testing

    • Review of developmental history and past records

  • To receive medication, you will need to consult a psychiatrist or a paediatrician (if the assessment is for your child).

    A formal diagnostic report from us may assist you in accessing supports from a psychiatrist or paedetrician, including accessing certain medications. However, some psychiatrists may require additional assessments before prescribing medications and if we become aware of such a requirement, we will work with you to design the most cost-effective outcome for your needs.

Autism Assessments

  • Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a neurodevelopmental difference characterised by unique ways of thinking, perceiving, and interacting with the world.

    Autistic individuals will often have preferences in how they interact with others socially, as well as strong preferences and interests in particular topics or activities.

  • Our autism assessment typically includes:

    • A comprehensive interview to understand your experiences and developmental history

    • Standardised assessments of social communication and interaction

    • Observation of behaviour and communication styles

    • Cognitive and adaptive functioning assessments

    • Sensory processing evaluation

Cognitive Assessments

  • A cognitive assessment is a detailed evaluation of various mental processes, including memory, attention, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. It helps identify your unique cognitive profile, highlighting areas of strength and potential areas for support or skill development.

    Cognitive assessments are used when exploring the presence of a possible Intellectual Disability and can provide valuable information when exploring Autism and ADHD.

  • Our cognitive assessment typically includes:

    • Standardized tests measuring different aspects of cognitive functioning

    • Tasks designed to assess specific cognitive skills

    • Interviews to understand your background and any concerns

    • Observation of problem-solving strategies and approaches