Supports & Resources

  • Do I need therapy? How do I find a good Therapist?
    Many people question whether they need therapy and how to find a therapist that fits their needs. The decision to seek help can be a significant step toward personal growth and healing.

    How your brain works, and how to train it!
    Understanding the brain is essential in learning how to optimize its functions. This resource provides insights into brain mechanisms and techniques for cognitive training.

    Psychotherapy is a well-regarded method for addressing emotional and psychological issues. Learning more about different types of therapy can help you make an informed decision about your mental health journey.

    Resiliency Robbers
    Identifying factors that hinder resilience is crucial for personal development. This article discusses various "resiliency robbers" and offers strategies to overcome them.

    Ted Talks - Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability
    Brené Brown's insights into vulnerability shed light on its importance in personal connections and overall well-being. Her talk encourages embracing vulnerability as a strength.

    How to stop obsessing over disturbing thoughts
    Experiencing distressing thoughts can be overwhelming. This guide provides practical tips to help you break free from their grip and regain control over your mind.

    How to leave a violent relationship safely
    If you find yourself in a situation involving domestic violence, safety is paramount. This resource offers essential information and steps for leaving safely.

    Abuser tricks and warning signs of domestic abuse
    Recognizing the signs of abuse is vital for protection. This article outlines common tactics employed by abusers to exert control and manipulation.

    PODCAST: The science of love, desire and attachment
    Explore the psychological aspects of relationships and attachments in this insightful podcast, which delves into the complexities of love and desire.

    Wondering about ADHD, autism and your child's development?
    Understanding developmental assessments can be beneficial for parents. This article provides guidance on navigating neurodevelopmental evaluations for children.

    How yoga can help with chronic pain and depression
    Yoga has been shown to offer relief for those suffering from chronic pain and depressive symptoms. This article discusses the therapeutic benefits of incorporating yoga into your wellness routine.

    PODCAST: Dr. Becky Kennedy: Protocols for Excellent Parenting & Improving Relationships of All Kinds
    In this podcast, Dr. Becky Kennedy shares insights into effective parenting techniques and fostering healthy relationships, providing listeners with actionable advice for personal growth.

  • Relaxation Exercises Provides a range of relaxation techniques and exercises to support mental well-being and stress management.

    Parenting Ideas Offers resources, advice, and workshops for improving parenting skills and child development.

    Self-Compassiong Videos - Kristin Neff - Features videos by Kristin Neff on the practice of self-compassion and its benefits for emotional health.

    Mind Health Connect - A mental health resource hub providing information and support for various mental health issues and treatments.

    Young and Well CRC - Focuses on research and initiatives to improve mental health and well-being for young people through digital and innovative solutions.

    Michael Carr-Gregg - Features resources and information from Michael Carr-Gregg, a clinical psychologist specializing in adolescent mental health.

    Powerhouse Programs - Provides various programs and resources aimed at personal development and mental health.

    Imago Relationship Therapy - Offers resources and information on Imago Relationship Therapy, a therapeutic approach for improving relationships and communication.

    Dr Dan Siegel Resources - Features resources by Dr. Dan Siegel on neuroscience, mindfulness, and emotional well-being.

  • Beyondblue: Beyondblue is a national response to reduce the prevalence of depression in Australia.

    Black Dog: Expert information on depression and Bipolar Disorder for the general public as well as professionals, including information on getting help for mood disorders, suggestions on ways of staying well, and detailed information about the Institute's research activities.

    BlueBoard:An online support group for people affected by depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety disorders. It aims to reduce stigma, and to provide support, hope and opportunities for sharing successful coping strategies. The group is run as a moderated bulletin board with strict protocols to enhance safety and privacy.

    Headspace: Headspace provides young people 12-25, and their families, with information, support and advice on general health; mental health and wellbeing; alcohol and other drugs; education, employment and other services. headspace centres around Australia provide young people with access to youth-friendly health professionals and the headspace website has a section devoted to supporting parents and carers.

    MoodGYM: A popular interactive program which incorporates cognitive-behaviour therapy for depression. It was first launched in 2001 and is now in its third revision. MoodGYM has been extensively researched and its effectiveness has been demonstrated in randomised controlled trials.

  • Australian Centre for Post-Traumatic Mental Health:

    The Centre provides advice on mental health issues to the Departments of Veterans' Affairs and Defence. It also acts as a source of expert advice to mental health service providers, policy makers, organisations, researchers, and other interested parties on issues associated with traumatic stress and veteran or military mental health.

  • National Rural Health Alliance:

    This alliance is the peak national body working to improve the health of Australians living in rural and remote areas.

  • Australian Drug Information Network:

    The ADIN provides a central point of access to quality Internet-based alcohol and drug information provided by prominent organisations in Australia and internationally.


    Headspace provides young people 12-25, and their families, with information, support and advice on general health; mental health and wellbeing; alcohol and other drugs; education, employment and other services. headspace centres around Australia provide young people with access to youth-friendly health professionals and the headspace website has a section devoted to supporting parents and carers.

  • Reach Out:

    A national online youth suicide prevention program.

  • Kids' Helpline: 1800 551 800

    A national 24-hour telephone counselling service for children and young people in Australia.

    Lifeline: 13 11 14

    A national 24-hour telephone counselling service for all ages.

  • Australian Pain Society: The Australian Pain Society is a multi disciplinary organisation with representatives among its members from many medical specialties, as well as dentistry, psychology, nursing, general practitioners other health professionals and the basic sciences.

    Beacon: Provides consumers and professionals with information about e-health online applications for mental health and physical health disorders. Websites throughout the world are reviewed and ranked by a panel of health experts. Consumers can also submit rankings and comments.

    Carers Australia: The national peak carer organisation that works to promote the recognition of the important role of carers and to empower carers so that they will be better informed and resourced.

    Centre for Health Promotion: Information to support health promotion work with children, young people, women and parents and info about the Centre for Health Promotion and their programs.

    Consumers' Health Forum of Australia: The leading national organisation providing a voice for all health consumers.

    Mental Health Council of Australia: The MHCA is an independent, non-government peak body that represents and promotes the interests of the mental health sector and advises on mental health in Australia.

    Mental Health associations / organisations throughout Australia

    Multicultural Mental Health Australia: The MMHA links a wide range of state and territory mental health specialists and services, advocacy groups and tertiary institutions to promote the mental health and wellbeing of Australia's diverse communities.

    National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse & NAPCAN is a national organisation working to promote effective care and protection of children.

  • Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health: The Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health at the University of Melbourne undertakes world class trauma related research, policy advice, service development and education. Their services help organisations and health professionals who work with people affected by traumatic events.

    Australian Child & Adolescent Trauma, Loss & Grief Network (ACATLGN) For everyone involved in the care of children/youth and interested in the potential impact of trauma, loss and grief experiences.

Limitation of Liability

Evolve Wellbeing Psychology is committed to providing valuable information and resources to support your mental health and wellbeing. However, please be aware of the following limitations:

  • Crisis Situations: If you are experiencing a mental health crisis or are in immediate danger, please call Emergency Services on 000 immediately. Additionally, you may find it helpful to contact the free support services linked on our website.

  • No Liability: Evolve Wellbeing Psychology accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of this website or reliance on any information or link provided herein. All content and links are intended for informational purposes only and do not constitute professional psychological advice. Evolve Wellbeing Psychology accepts no liability for any harm, damages, or losses incurred as a result of delays in seeking emergency care or crisis intervention. We encourage all individuals to seek immediate support if they are in distress or at risk.

  • Business Hours: Our standard business hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday. If you require assistance outside of these hours, please reach out to other support services or call 000 in case of an emergency.  While we aim to provide a supportive and professional environment, please note that Evolve Wellbeing Psychology is not equipped to handle emergency or crisis interventions. If you require urgent assistance in an emergency or require crisis intervention, we recommend contacting the free support services listed on our website, or calling Emergency Services on 000.

  • Insured Liability: Evolve Wellbeing Psychology's practitioners provide professional services within their scope of practice and in accordance with each practitioner's own policy of professional indemnity and public liability insurance cover.  Evolve Wellbeing Psychology and each of its practitioners accept no liability for any harm, damages, or losses incurred by any person who is not a current registered client of Evolve Wellbeing Psychology, and in circumstances where a person is such a client, any liability is limited to the extent permitted by law and within each practitioner's insured liability limit. 

By using this website, you acknowledge and agree to these terms. For any further information or assistance during our business hours, please contact us directly.